Why Do My Socks Come Off When I Sleep?

Many people hate wearing socks through the day, never mind to bed. Yet, there are other who love to keep their feet warm at night by wearing socks. But why is it that, no matter what type of socks you’re wearing, they always seem to come off in the middle of the night?

There are a few reasons why your socks might come off while you sleep. The first possibility is that you simply have small feet. If your socks are loose-fitting, they’re more likely to slide off while you’re asleep. Another possibility is that you’re a restless sleeper and tend to kick off your covers (and socks) in your sleep.

Why is it good to sleep with socks on?

There are a few benefits to wearing socks to bed.

Keep your feet warm

Wearing socks to bed can help keep your feet warm throughout the night. This is especially beneficial if you tend to get cold feet during the night or if you have poor circulation.

Fall asleep faster

It turns out that wearing socks to bed can actually help you fall asleep faster.

This is because wearing warm or neutral socks helps increase your core body temperature. Although sleep is normally associated with a lowering of your core body temperature, if you have cold feet your body reacts by naturally increasing your temperature a little. This slows down your body’s normal sleep mechanism. Keeping your feet warm promotes the normal temperature regulation of your body and helps you get to sleep faster.

If you struggle to get to sleep then you may want to wear socks to see if it makes any difference.

Read our other tips on how to get to sleep faster here.

Reduces hot flashes

If you suffer from hot flashes (a sudden feeling of warmth or intense heat), wearing socks to bed may help to reduce their severity.

Hot flashes are often caused by changes in hormone levels, which can cause your blood vessels to open up and widen suddenly. This process is called vasodilation and it can cause you to feel flushed and hot. Wearing socks helps to keep your feet warm and can stop the sensation of vasodilation from spreading upwards.

So, if you’re struggling with hot flashes, give it a try and see if wearing socks to bed makes any difference.

Skin care treatments

If you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions, wearing socks to bed can help to lock in moisture and protect your skin. This is especially the case if you put moisturizer or other skin treatments on your feet before bed.

It’s important to choose the right type of sock though. If you have eczema, for example, you’ll want to avoid socks that are made from wool or synthetic materials. These materials can irritate the skin and make your condition worse. Instead, choose socks that are made from cotton or other natural fibers.

If you’re not sure what type of sock to choose, speak to your doctor or dermatologist for advice.

Better love!

A controversial study on climax faking accidentally found out that wearing socks while having intercourse actually helped both men and women to achieve climax. Around 80% of the participants reached climax whilst wearing socks, whilst only 50% of those not wearing socks achieved climax.

Relieves Raynaud’s Syndrome

Raynaud’s Syndrome is a condition that affects the blood vessels in your extremities. In people with Raynaud’s, the blood vessels narrow and restrict blood flow to the hands and feet. This can cause tingling, numbness, and pain.

Wearing socks (and gloves) can help to relieve the symptoms of Raynaud’s by keeping your hands and feet warm. This helps to prevent the blood vessels from narrowing and constricting.

If you suffer from Raynaud’s, it’s important to choose socks that are made from natural fibers like wool or cotton. These materials will help to keep your feet warm without irritating your skin.

Why do my socks come off when I sleep?

There are two main options as to why your socks come off in your sleep: either you are taking them off yourself or they are falling off. Both are possibilities, depending on the circumstances. The most common reasons why your socks come off during sleep are:


Although it’s important to avoid cold feet when you are falling asleep, a warm pair of socks can actually make you feel like you are overheating in the night.

If you find that you wake up with one sock on then it may be that you simply took the other off in your sleep without waking up enough to notice.


If you wore socks to bed that were too tight you may again find that you have taken them off without noticing. This can happen if the socks are cutting off your circulation or if they are made from an irritating material.

Rolling socks off your feet

If you find that your socks are regularly coming off during the night then it may be that you are rolling over in your sleep and they are falling off. This can happen if you wear socks that are loose-fitting or if you have a habit of kicking your feet while you sleep.

Socks too loose

If your socks are too loose, they may fall off during the night without you noticing. This is more likely to happen if you wear socks that are made from slippery materials like silk or satin.

To avoid this, choose socks that have a tighter fit or that are made from grippy materials like wool.

Restless sleeper

If you are a restless sleeper, you may find that your socks come off during the night simply because you are tossing and turning so much. This is more likely to happen if you wear loose-fitting socks.

Is it better to sleep with socks on or socks off?

Although there are some benefits to sleeping with socks on, if you choose the wrong type of socks then you may actually do more harm than good.

Reduced circulation

Wearing regular socks to bed can actually reduce circulation to your feet and toes. This is because the socks constrict the blood vessels and prevent blood from flowing freely.

If you have diabetes, poor circulation can lead to serious complications like foot ulcers. For this reason, it’s important to choose socks that are loose-fitting and made from breathable materials like cotton.

Too warm

If your feet are too warm, you may find it difficult to fall asleep. This is because the increased temperature can make you feel restless and uncomfortable.

To avoid this, choose socks that are made from lightweight materials like cotton or bamboo. These materials will help to regulate your body temperature and prevent your feet from getting too sweaty in the night.

Hygiene issues

If you don’t wash your feet before bed, wearing socks to sleep can actually make them dirtier. This is because the socks will trap in sweat and bacteria, which can lead to foot odor and fungal infections.

To avoid this, make sure you wash your feet thoroughly before putting on your socks. You should also make sure to only wear clean socks to bed.

In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawbacks to sleeping with socks on. It’s important to choose the right type of socks to avoid discomfort and hygiene issues. If you have diabetes, it’s especially important to choose socks that are loose-fitting and made from breathable materials.

What are the best socks to sleep in?

The best socks to sleep in are ones that are loose-fitting and made from natural fibers like cotton or wool. These materials will help to keep your feet comfortable and prevent them from overheating.

Cotton socks

Regular cotton socks are a good choice as long as they are not tight around your legs, as this could block blood flow.

Bed socks

Specially designed bed socks are loose fitting to promote blood circulation and tend to be made of natural fibers such as cotton or wool. Wearing bed socks to bed can stop you getting cold feet but as they are looser they tend to come off more easily in your sleep.

Compression socks

You should avoid wearing compression socks to sleep unless you have been advised to do so by a medical professional. If you are going to wear compression socks to bed then you should use graduated compression socks which gradually become looser as they reach higher up the leg. Read our full guide to sleeping in compression socks here.

Heated socks

Heated socks are a great way to heat your feet up before bed, but you shouldn’t actually wear them all night.

Heated socks aren’t designed to be worn to bed as they are too tight and the batteries can come away from the socks.

Alternatives to wearing socks to bed

If you prefer to sleep barefoot but feel cold, there are some alternatives you can try.

Hot water bottle

A hot water bottle is a great way to keep your feet warm in bed. Simply fill it up with hot water and place it at the foot of your bed. You can also put a sock over the top of the hot water bottle to create a makeshift bed sock.

Electric blanket

An electric blanket is another good way to keep your feet warm in bed. Make sure you follow the safety instructions carefully and only use it on the lowest setting.

Extra blanket around your feet

If you don’t want to use a hot water bottle or electric blanket, you can try using an extra blanket around your feet. This will help to trap in heat and keep your feet warm all night long.

An electric blanket can damage a memory foam mattress, so be careful to ensure that it is safe to use with your mattress type.

Warm bath before bed

Taking a warm bath or shower before bed can also help to keep your feet warm all night long. The heat from the water will help to relax your muscles and prepare you for a good night’s sleep.

Make sure you don’t make the water too hot, as this could actually have the opposite effect and make it harder for you to sleep.

Read also: Why do I get gassy when I sleep?

Conclusion: Why do my socks come off when I sleep?

There are a few reasons why your socks might come off in your sleep. It could be because they are too tight, too loose, or you are wearing the wrong type of socks. If you want to avoid having cold feet at night, make sure you choose loose-fitting socks made from natural fibers like cotton or wool. You can also try using a hot water bottle or electric blanket to keep your feet warm all night long.