How To Prevent Mosquito Bites While Sleeping? Prevention Tips

Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous creatures on earth. A mosquito bite causes irritation and itching and it can also wake you up from a deep sleep. Additionally, these insects carry many diseases such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and more.

According to AMCA (American Mosquito Control Association), more than one million people die each year due to diseases caused by mosquito bites. Therefore, it’s important to prevent these bug bites to ensure your safety and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

In this article, we’ll discuss the most effective ways you can use to prevent mosquito bites while sleeping. Read each method carefully and use the one(s) that suit you the best.

Apply Mosquito Repellent

Applying mosquito repellent on the exposed skin before going to sleep is one of the most common ways to prevent mosquito bites. These repellents are available in the form of creams and liquids that you can simply apply to your body.

According to the AMCA recommendation, you should use mosquito repellents that contain ethyl hexanediol, lemon eucalyptus, picaridin, and diethyl phthalate. These are the most effective chemicals that keep mosquitos and other biting bugs at bay.

Look at the list of ingredients mentioned on a product and choose a mosquito repellent containing any of these chemicals. It’s important to note that you should not apply mosquito repellent on inflamed or wounded skin. Additionally, these products aren’t safe for kids under two months of age as well.

Apply Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is one of the best natural repellents that not only prevent mosquito bites but also works as an insecticide. You can use peppermint oil that offers a pleasant minty scent and can also help you with sleep.

Keep in mind that peppermint oil in its pure form will offer a warm sensation if you apply it directly to your skin. Therefore, you should mix it with canola oil before applying it to your skin. Other than repelling mosquitoes it can also reduce itching and inflammation when bitten.

Use Mosquito Net

Sleep inside a mosquito net to prevent insect bites if you’re allergic to mosquito repellents. This method will also come in handy if you need to sleep outside, like while camping. According to the National Library of Medicine, using mosquito nets is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes and other insect bites.

Wear Bright Clothing

The color of your clothes also matters and you should wear bright colors while sleeping. Studies show that mosquitoes are attracted to darker clothes. So, brighter clothes will help you avoid them. The colors that repel mosquitoes include white, light blue, yellow, khaki, olive, and beige.

Red, black, and brown are the colors that you should avoid while sleeping to prevent mosquito bites. You can also wear long pajamas, socks, and shirts with full sleeves to cover most of your body. It’ll further decrease the risk of getting bitten by mosquitoes.

Install Fans

Mosquitoes are weak fliers as they’re extremely lightweight, which means they cannot withstand the wind that fans generate. The National Library of Medicine states that fans can reduce the risk of mosquito bites significantly.

Another benefit of fans is that they disperse compounds, such as carbon dioxide, that your body releases. These compounds (when not dispersed) attract more mosquitoes.

The fan-generated wind is most effective when you place fans on the tabletop or floor because these small insects usually fly low. They’ll find it difficult to fly around once you turn on the fan.

Read also: Can I sleep with a fan and a humidifier on?

Apply Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

Other than using a commercial mosquito repellant, you can also use lemon eucalyptus, which is an essential oil and repels mosquitoes naturally. The synthesized version of this oil is classified as an EPA-registered insect repellent by the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

According to a study, the application of lemon eucalyptus oil remains effective for up to 12 hours and it provides 100 percent protection against mosquito bites.

Using this type of oil will also help keep spiders away from your bed.

Wear Mosquito Bracelets

You can also wear mosquito bracelets that come with insect repellents to prevent mosquito bites. These products will come in handy if you have sensitive skin and can’t apply traditional mosquito repellents to it.

You only need to make sure that you keep wearing the mosquito bracelet throughout the night. These products can remain effective for several days to weeks depending on the manufacturer.

Keep Your Windows Closed

It’s very tempting to open the windows of your room during hot summer nights. But it allows more biting bugs to enter your sleeping area and increase the risk of mosquito bites. While you can use a window screen, these little creatures can make their way to your room through small openings.

That’s why you should keep the doors and windows of your room closed. You can also place insect-repelling plants, such as a pitcher, lavender, and wormwood plant, near windows and doors to keep these insects at bay.

Bug Proof Your Outdoor Space

The environment of your outdoor space can be an ideal place for mosquitoes to live. According to the Mayo Clinic, your outdoor space can become a mosquito breeding ground if there is standing water. Make sure that you bug-proof it by following the tips listed below:

  • Remove any standing water present in kid pools and buckets.
  • If you have bird baths, change their water after every three to four days.
  • Unclog your roof gutters.
  • Get your outdoor space sprayed, especially if you live in an area with a lot of mosquitoes.
  • If it rains a lot, make sure that rainwater doesn’t accumulate anywhere in your yard, especially in trash cans. Remove empty containers from your yard as they can also hold rainwater.
  • Mosquitos will have fewer places to hide and grow when your yard is clean and the grass is small. So, trim grass regularly and get rid of leaf litter and other trash.
  • Spread tea waste and coffee grounds around your yard. While it will not prevent mosquito bites, it will restrict mosquito breeding.

Bug proofing will also help keep ants away from your bed.

Read also: Can a dryer kill bed bugs?

Burn Sage

The smoke that burning sage produces not only feels pleasing but also repels mosquitoes and other harmful insects. It’s one of the easiest and cheapest ways to prevent mosquito bites. You can also use thyme and rosemary for the same purpose.

Adjust Lightning in Your Sleeping Area

Mosquitoes, just like many other insects, are naturally attracted to light. Therefore, you should turn off the lights installed in your bedroom before going to sleep. It’ll also help you reduce the chances of getting bitten by mosquitoes.

Take a Shower Before Going to Bed

According to studies, there are compounds present in human sweat that attract mosquitoes. It means that taking a shower just before going to sleep can help you to avoid mosquito bites.

It will allow you to get rid of mosquito-friendly sweat compounds present on your skin. Just make sure that you dry off completely before wearing clothes and going to bed. That’s because these insects are also attracted to humidity.

Reduce Your Weight

As mentioned earlier, the carbon dioxide that your body produces attracts mosquitoes. Additionally, overweight and obese people release more carbon dioxide than people with slim and smart physiques. It means that mosquitoes are more attracted to people with a greater body mass.

Losing some pounds can actually help you reduce the risk of getting bitten by mosquitoes. It can also help you avoid falling victim to other health problems that obesity can cause.


Why Do Mosquitoes Bite You More than Other People?

Some people naturally release chemicals through their skins in high amounts that mosquitoes like. Studies have shown that lactic acid is one of the most important substances, produced by the human body, that attracts mosquitoes. If you produce mosquito-friendly chemicals in higher amounts than other people, you’ll attract more mosquitoes.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite You More When You Sleep?

Mosquitoes bite you more when you sleep because your body produces chemicals that mosquitoes like while you’re sleeping. In addition, you also drive the mosquitoes away while waking once you listen to the buzzing sound, which isn’t always possible during sleep.

What Keeps Mosquitoes Away at Night?

Applying mosquito repellent on your skin is one of the most effective ways to keep mosquitoes away at night. If you have sensitive skin, you should not use these chemicals to avoid falling victim to skin allergies. In such a case, you can use mosquito nets, keep your room windows and doors closed, wear a mosquito bracelet, use fans, or burn sage.

Final Words

Nothing that you do to keep mosquitoes at bay can be exaggerated. These little creatures not only disturb your sleep but can also cause several serious diseases. We hope this guide will help you understand how to prevent mosquito bites while sleeping.

You can use any of these methods depending on your preferences. Just make sure that you avoid applying mosquito repellent directly to your body if you have sensitive skin, and they’re also not safe for infants.