Can’t Sleep After Eating Pizza

If you love pizza, you might not love the feeling of not being able to sleep after eating it. But did you ever try to find out why you can’t sleep after eating pizza? We did some research, and here’s what we found out.

Does Pizza Promote Midnight Cravings?

If yes, then look at a situation. Hunger pangs in the middle of the night are nothing new.

It’s not just in your head.

There’s a scientific reason behind it. It turns out that eating pizza before bed can affect your sleep because of the high-fat content and carbohydrates. And we all know that pizza is high in both fat and carbohydrates, including most of the toppings themselves.

The answer might lie in the ingredients. If you want to eat some pizza before bed, you will be better off only eating a little or eating a pizza that is more plain, like plain cheese pizza, instead of a pizza pie loaded with toppings.

Main Ingredients That Won’t Let You Sleep After Eating Pizza before bed

Certain foods can produce chemicals in our bodies that can keep us awake and lead to a poor night’s sleep.

The main culprits behind your sleepless nights are the high levels of saturated fat and carbohydrates in pizza. They can trigger acid reflux and bowel movements, keeping you up at night.

Pizza has four main ingredients:

  • melted cheese
  • white bread
  • tomato sauce
  • toppings

These ingredients can have a negative impact and cause a disrupted sleep cycle in the following ways:


The main type of cheese used in pizza is mozzarella.

Mozzarella is a fresh cheese made from milk, cream, and rennet. It’s high in protein and fat, which can undoubtedly lead to digestive system issues when eating late.

Other cheeses used in pizza include cheddar, Parmesan, and Ricotta.

Some can feel heartburn or high blood pressure after eating pizza with these cheeses.

Lactose intolerance is also a common issue when eating cheese. If you are moderately intolerant to digesting lactose, you will experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, and gas.

White Bread:

White bread is made from refined flour, which can cause a spike in sugar in your body.

It can lead to restless nights.

Uncomfortable GI issues can also result from eating white bread.

Tomato Sauce:

Tomato sauce is one of the main ingredients of high acid foods, which can cause heartburn. The acid in the tomato can irritate the esophagus and potentially disrupt your sleep cycle.


Pepperoni and sausage contain high levels of saturated fat. And red pepper flakes are spicy. These toppings can contribute to heartburn and indigestion.

Vegetarian toppings such as mushrooms, onions, and peppers are a better choice if you’re looking for a light option that won’t keep you up at night.

Read also: Foods that cause night terrors

What Is Stomach Acid Reflux?

As a result of acid reflux, the stomach’s contents are regurgitated back up into the esophagus. This can happen after eating a large meal, lying down too soon after eating, or consuming certain foods and drinks.

Sour stomach, bloating, and heartburn are common symptoms of acid reflux.

Read also: Why am I so gassy at night?

When To Eat pizza If You Have Trouble Sleeping

The best time to have pizza is during the day. It has more calories than other snacks, making you feel fuller for a longer time and helping you to stay awake longer. But, if you’re insistent on having it for dinner, try to eat it at least three hours before bed.

Eating pizza late at night can cause problems if you have a sensitive GI tract or are eating many spicy foods. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try avoiding pizza for dinner as it is one of the worst foods for your stomach.

People with a sensitive GI tract know that eating pizza can cause serious after-effects.

Not only does it leave you feeling tired and uncomfortably full, but it can also cause heartburn and indigestion.

If you’re one of those people, you know that no slice of pizza is complete without a hefty supply of antacids and heartburn medication!

Easy food swaps can help you get a good night’s sleep.

You can find late-night snacks that will improve your overall health and won’t keep you up all night, try these options: A bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk, a slice of toast with peanut butter, a cup of herbal tea, a small bowl of fruit, or greek yogurt.

Better Sleep Quality

Digestion plays a big role in how our bodies feel and function. When we eat a big meal, our digestive system has to work harder to break them down.

This process can lead to tiredness, indigestion, heartburn, and other gastrointestinal issues that keep us up at night.

Here are a few things you can do to get restful sleep:

  • Stay on your sleep schedule as much as possible by establishing a regular schedule.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Alcohol abuse can cause sleep problems.
  • Try to eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid spicy and greasy food to maintain healthy eating goals.
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation before bed.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle by getting up and moving around during the day.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight. It will help with sleep apnea.
  • See a doctor if you have any medical conditions affecting your sleep.

Follow these tips, and beauty sleep will be yours in no time!

Conclusion: Can’t Sleep After Eating Pizza

Young adults are the most likely to suffer from sleep problems.

Eating pizza late at night can cause difficulty sleeping and sleepless nights. This one wrong food at the wrong time can start creating fat cells and changing metabolism, which can cause sleep problems.

Fast foods like pizza disrupt sleep by impacting metabolism. When you consume a lot of calories and fat, your body stores it as energy. This process can make it difficult to fall asleep. If you can’t sleep after eating pizza, it’s time to cut back on the slices.