Can You Sleep With Citrine Under Your Pillow?

Citrine is a popular crystal because of its ability to cleanse and purify the energies around it. It’s also known for its ability to bring good luck, fortune, and abundance. Citrine is also said to be helpful in promoting restful sleep.

If you’re looking to improve your sleep or manifest more abundance in your life, consider placing a piece of citrine under your pillow while you sleep. You may also want to try meditating with citrine before bed to help clear your mind and relax your body.

What is citrine?

Citrine is a semi-precious stone belonging to the quartz family. It gets its name from the French word for lemon, “citron.” Its golden yellow color evokes the color of lemon and it’s often used as a gemstone in jewelry.

Natural citrine is quite a rare gem when compared with other semi precious stones such as amethyst.

Citrine considerations

Citrine is one of the birthstones of November.

Citrine is associated with sunshine, fresh beginnings and prosperity.

Citrine benefits

Some people believe that sleeping with citrine under your pillow can bring about many benefits.

Citrine is a form of quartz that’s been treasured since ancient times. It’s said to improve one’s self-esteem and help the bearer grow stronger. Citrine is also considered beneficial in increasing positive, energetic energy throughout the body.

These benefits include:

  • Aiding in digestion
  • Relieving constipation
  • Improving circulation
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Regulating blood sugar levels
  • Relieving stress and tension headaches
  • Improved mental clarity
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Boosted self-confidence
  • Increased motivation and drive

Citrin physical benefits

Citrine’s physical benefits include digestion and endurance improvement. These stones were once used by healers to detoxify the body of poisons, improve blood circulation, and build up the immune system. Citrine is essentially a natural hot spring in gem form! The stone was also utilized as a preventative medicine for illness and poisonous snakes.

Citrine mental benefits

Citrine generates a high level of enthusiasm throughout all levels of life. It cleanses the chakras and activates the sixth sense. Citrine attracts money, fortune, and success. It gives delight, wonderment, pleasure, and excitement. Improves self-esteem and confidence.

Citrine is one of the most powerful of all stones for raising your intellect. It promotes motivation, stimulates creativity and encourages self-expression. Concentration and revitalizing the mind are enhanced. Negative traits are released, including sadness, paranoia and phobias. Stimulates the brain, boosting the intellect. Citrine fosters ambition, generates creativity and activates the mind.

Citrine career benefits

Citrine is an excellent stone for those seeking to make great strides in their career or business. It has been known to promote success and good fortune in all undertakings. Citrine is also a powerful stone for manifestation, helping to manifest abundance, prosperity, and wealth.

Some people also believe that citrine can help to open up opportunities for promotion and new jobs.

Citrine relationship benefits

Citrine is known as the “success stone” because it is thought to bring good luck, fortune, and abundance in all areas of life. This includes relationships. Citrine is said to attract new love, friendships, and positive relationships. It is also thought to help improve existing relationships.

Citrine is a stone of good fortune and good luck. It has the power to enhance all forms of relationship. Citrine is known as a stone of abundance and can bring that into your life by helping you attract not just love but also wealth, prosperity, and success.

What does citrine do?

Citrine is a sparkling and happy gemstone that exudes positive energy. Citrine is an excellent stone to keep on hand for those who want to boost their energy levels, live in the light, and accept more good luck into their lives. It can also aid in the unblocking of the sacral and solar plexus.

Solar Plexus is our powerhouse, it is linked with our ability to take action and make decisions – so if you’ve been feeling stuck or unable to move forward, incorporating Citrine into your life can help shift that energy.

Citrine is also known as The Merchant’s Stone because it’s said to attract wealth, success and prosperity. So if you’re looking to improve your financial situation or manifest your dream job – this cheerful gemstone is perfect for you!

However, Citrine isn’t just about attracting money and success. It’s also a happy stone that brings joy into your life. If you’ve been feeling low or down in the dumps – Citrine can help chase away the blues and bring back your sparkle!

To reap the maximum benefits from this amazing gemstone, carry it around with you in your purse or pocket, or keep it close by on your desk or bedside table. You can also place it in your wealth corner (the farthest left corner when you’re standing at the front door looking into your home) to attract more abundance into your life.

How to use citrine

If you’re interested in using citrine for its benefits, there are a few ways you can do so:

-Wear citrine jewelry, such as a ring, necklace or bracelet.

-Place citrine in your wealth corner (farthest left corner when standing at the front door looking into your home).

-Carry citrine in your purse or pocket.

-Keep citrine close by on your desk or bedside table.

Can citrine be in the bedroom?

Citrine is a cheerful gemstone that brings joy into your life, so it can definitely be used in the bedroom!

Placing citrine in your wealth corner (farthest left corner when standing at the front door looking into your home) can help attract more abundance into your life, which of course includes attracting more love!

You can also keep citrine close by on your nightstand or dresser to bring its happy vibes into your bedroom. Wearing citrine jewelry, such as a ring, necklace or bracelet, is another great way to enjoy its benefits while you sleep.

Why sleep with citrine?

Citrine is known as the “success stone” because it is thought to promote success, abundance, and prosperity. Citrine is also known as the “manifestation stone” because it is said to help manifest your desires and goals. Citrine is also believed to increase creativity, boost self-esteem, and promote motivation and enthusiasm.

So, if you’re looking to manifest your dreams and goals, or if you’re just looking for a little extra success in your life, citrine may be the stone for you. Citrine is also believed to have healing properties. It is said to cleanse and energize the chakras, and to promote physical and emotional healing.

Can you sleep with citrine under your pillow?

Yes, you can sleep with citrine under your pillow.

As the edges of the stone may be sharp, you may want to put a piece of cloth between the citrine and your pillow to protect both you and the stone.

Sleeping with citrine under your pillow is thought to bring benefits of success, creativity and self-esteem into your life. Citrine is also a stone of protection, and is said to protect against negative energies and evil spirits. So, if you’re looking for a little extra protection in your life, citrine may be the stone for you.

Citrine is a fairly hard stone, so it should be safe to sleep with under your pillow. However, as with all stones, you should use your own judgment and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Is it good to sleep with citrine under your pillow?

There is no definitive answer, as each person’s experiences will be different.

Many people believe that sleeping with citrine under your pillow can bring success, abundance, and prosperity into your life. Citrine is also known as the “manifestation stone” because it is said to help manifest your desires and goals. Citrine is also believed to increase creativity, boost self-esteem, and promote motivation and enthusiasm. So, if you’re looking for a little extra success in your life, citrine may be the stone for you.

Citrine is also believed to have healing properties. It is said to cleanse and energize the chakras, and to promote physical and emotional healing.

Can I wear a citrine bracelet while sleeping?

Yes, you can wear a citrine bracelet while sleeping. You should make sure that your bracelet is not too tight and does not have any sharp edges that could cause you to accidentally scratch yourself with it in your sleep.

Do you have to sleep with citrine under your pillow?

No, you don’t have to sleep with citrine under your pillow to reap its benefits. However, if you find that citrine helps you relax and eases stress or tension headaches, keeping it close by while you sleep may be beneficial.

How to charge citrine

Citrine can be charged with sunlight, moonlight, a crystal geode, or simply through visualization techniques.


Leave your citrine in direct sunlight for an hour or so to charge it. This can be on your windowsill or directly on the ground outside. However, do not leave it in direct sunlight for more than an hour as this can fade the color of the stone.


Leave your citrine out in the moonlight overnight to charge it. Again, this can be either on your windowsill or on the ground outside.

Crystal geode

A crystal geode is a rock that has a hollow center lined with crystals. Place your citrine in or near the center of the geode for 24 hours to charge it. The best geodes for charging citrine are quartz, as citrine is a type of quartz.

Visualization techniques

You can also use visualization techniques to charge your citrine. Simply hold the stone in your hand and visualize it filling up with white light. You can also imagine sunlight or moonlight shining down on the stone and charging it with their energy.

How to cleanse citrine?

Cleansing your citrine stone is important in order to discharge any negative energies that have built up in it. You should aim to cleanse your citrine crystal every month or so, or more often if you are working with it a lot.

Is citrine safe to cleanse with water?

Citrine is safe to cleanse with water. Ideally, you should use running stream water and place the crystal in the running water for a few minutes. If you don’t have a stream nearby then it is OK to simply use running tap water to cleanse your citrine.


You can use moonlight to cleanse your citrine stone at the same time as recharging it.

Singing Bowl

If you have a singing bowl you can use this to cleanse your citrine crystal. Simply place it in the bowl and tap the edge, allowing the resulting sound to travel through your citrine.


Other crystals, particularly quartz and amethyst, can be used to cleanse your citrine stone. Place the citrine in or next to a crystal geode, or surround it with amethyst or quartz.

Sage Smoke

You can light a stage stick until it smokes and then place it in a metal bowl. Move the citrine through the smoke while focusing on cleansing it.


If you prefer, you can use sage, pine or cedar incense to create smoke with which to cleanse your crystal. Again, move the citrine through the smoke and allow the stone to be cleansed.

What crystal should I use for sleep instead of citrine?

Some people like to sleep with black obsidian for protection, particularly against nightmares. You can also choose smoky quartz or amethyst for aiding your sleep and relaxation.

Conclusion: Can you sleep with citrine under your pillow?

Yes, you can sleep with citrine under your pillow. Citrine is known for its ability to promote relaxation and ease stress or tension headaches. Therefore, keeping it close by while you sleep may be beneficial. Just make sure that if you use it as a bracelet it is not too tight and does not have any sharp edges that could cause you to accidentally scratch yourself with it in your sleep.